Chef David Muñoz and interior designer Lázaro Rosa-Violán reflect together, for the first time, on the current revolution in the model of traditional restoration and how the restaurant of the future is emerging. The meeting, organized by the Silestone Institute within the framework of the Week of the Architecture of Madrid, has revolved around a specific project: the new restaurant DiverXo designed by Rosa-Violán where Cosentino Dekton ultra-compact surface has been key to reflect in the space the creativity that characterizes the chef.

In the restaurant of the future, the comfort which is given by the acoustics, lighting, and space distribution, will be essential -both for guest and for the movements of the service – as well as the materials used for its design. The aesthetic and functional setting will be as important as the dining experience. There won’t be a trend that will prevail over others, but it will be the combination of several, aimed at a single goal: the sensory enjoyment of the guest.

When it comes to conceiving a space, the experts say that successful restaurants will be those who contemplate the tandem interior design-gastronomy as a whole. Both these facets must go hand in hand and work in a coordinated manner from the start of the idea. This game of balances is more complicated the more weight has the kitchen, and ranges from the search of the space until the moment of opening the door to this particular universe. In this sense, experts say that the successful restaurants will be those who contemplate the tandem interiorior design-gastronomy as a whole.


David Muñoz: is a revolutionary and creative of gastronomy. With its restaurants DiverXo and StreetXo he is an innovative both in his conception of gastronomy as well as in the design of the spaces of its restaurants. DiverXo is currently the only restaurant in Madrid with three-star Michelin.

Lázaro Rosa-Violán: is one of the designers of the moment. He is a specialist in decorative projects for hotels and restaurants. He is painter by training, traveller by conviction and designer of interiors by instinct. His style is characterized by mixing, modifying and reinterpreting trends from the past and present, according to the project were he works in.

José Carlos Capel: food critic and President of Madrid Fusion. He is the gastronomic critic of El País since 25 years and write the blog Gastronotas in the same newspaper. He is also author of books on gastronomy. His great passion is cooking.

Santiago Alfonso: he is Secretary General de Silestone Institute and Vice President of Marketing and communication of the Cosentino Group, world leader in production and distribution of innovative surfaces for architecture and design.