
In these times in which we live because of the pandemic, it is important to feel good and comfortable in our homes. Not only when we are teleworking, but also when we are doing activities and spending time with our families.

It is important not only to take care of our physical health, with hygiene care and physical activity, but also to take care of our mental and emotional wellbeing, looking for ways to make the home our refuge and that people we live with are our company and support.

Here are some wellness tips to help us enjoy our home and take care of ourselves daily.

How to improve our wellbeing while teleworking

  1. Set up your work area to be comfortable and quiet for you.
  2. Encourage self-care by dressing for work and online meetings.
  3. Adjust your posture so that you take care of the health of your back and your whole body when you are in front of the computer.
  4. Look for a place where you can make the most of natural light and thus save energy.
  5. Set daily goals to optimize time, scheduling and respecting your rest hours.

Tips for emotional wellbeing in relationships with others

  1. Establish quality relationships that nurture your emotional and psychological state.
  2. Communicate empathetically, respecting and listening to the opinions of others.
  3. Be grateful for what you have and for the people around you. This helps to enhance happiness.
  4. Always respond positively and constructively to a conversation, whether it is good news or bad news.
  5. Connect with others, either in person or online, to give mutual support in good and bad times and to celebrate and share experiences.

Sleeping hygiene: tips for a better rest.

  1. Set and respect a certain time to get up and a certain time to go to bed.
  2. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine in the 4 to 6 hours before bedtime.
  3. Exercise regularly but not close to bedtime.
  4. Establish a bedtime routine with your children so that they have a good rest (read a story, brush their teeth…).
  5. Limit the use of electronic devices close to bedtime.