Summer is coming and we are eager to enjoy more and more outdoors. Here you can find tips to prepare a healthy and safe tupper and enjoy a picnic in the park, in the country or on the beach, wherever you like!

It is essential to always remember to keep food in optimal conditions, without losing its properties.

When going to the park, to the country or the beach, the first thing is to always have some easy-to-transport foods, that do not need a fridge (or that can last a few hours outside), that are healthy and, if possible, simple to prepare, such as, for example: pieces of fruit, vegetable sticks or salads.

In addition, the drink is a very important point to keep in mind since the summer will make us lose a lot of liquid that we will have to replace frequently to avoid dehydration.


1. Planning: organize your menu to ensure that you do not lack proteins or vitamins. For this, you must consider the recommended proportions for each group of foods.

2. Choice of the lunch box: special attention must be paid to the choice of the material of the container in which the food will be transported. Glass, for example, is much more fragile and heavier, but at the same time more hygienic and comfortable since it allows eating directly from the container. On the other hand, the plastic is lighter, but less hygienic, since it is more difficult to clean when the plate contains oil, fat, or some sauce. It should be noted that both materials can be microwave oven-safe, since only the water molecules released by food are heated and, therefore, there is no risk for food safety.

3. Sauces: avoid egg-based preparations, especially if it is raw, such as mayonnaise. In addition, the main recommendation is that you incorporate any type of sauce at the same time that you go to eat, this way the food will not rust and we will avoid cross contamination.

4. Place in plate: it is recommended that the lunch box is visually appealing, for this it is advisable to play with food colors, not to be afraid of spices and use sauces that provide more flavor.

5. Dairy products: stable and sanitized products are always the best option. It is advisable to prioritize the use of cured cheeses over fresh, desserts or dairy industrialist instead of home-made to ensure better food preservation, especially, in times of high heat that is when food has worse conservation.

6. Preparation: always be cautious and do not consume food prepared with more than 48 hours in advance or if we are not confident about its conditions.

7. Reuse: for greater sustainability, and to avoid wasting food, it is advisable to reuse the food that you have left over but not to freeze the preparations again, especially if they have been consumed out of the home, as it could lead to food poisoning.

8. Prevention measures: last and very important, do not forget to take the preventive measures recommended by the health authorities regarding the social safety distance, hand washing and the use of masks.

With these instructions you can prepare the tupper safely and maintain a feeding adequate, which will help you enjoy the days outdoors with energy, making the picnic an ideal time to taste your meals.