In Europe we waste about 200 kilos per person per year, and between all of us we have to try to avoid it. Let’s take advantage of these days of confinement to improve our recycling habits and care for the environment.

The 3 “Rs” of ecology: Reduce, reuse and recycle.

  • Reduce the consumption of products to help conserve natural resources, and reduce pollution of the environment.
  • Reuse, that is, reuse the products to be discarded, that is, consider whether they are still in good condition and be able to use them again.
  • Recycle some waste materials that can be processed so that other products can be made helping to contaminate less and to give another use to the waste materials.

Practices for correct recycling and environmental care.

Remember to apply a correct separation of waste for recycling. For this, we must be very clear about what we are separating and where we must deposit each product.

  • Pay attention to the expiration dates of foods to consume first those that are about to expire.
  • Serve the right amount of food that we are going to eat to avoid food waste.
  • Try to buy long-lasting food, but without falling into hoarding.
  • Create new and varied dishes to make the most of food and thus avoid waste (Trashcooking).

The kitchen is the area of ​​the house that generates the most waste, which is why we must become aware of the importance of not wasting food with a responsible purchase and kitchen, and betting on reusable materials.

Let’s take advantage of these moments of confinement to learn and incorporate these good recycling and environmental care practices.

Less waste, more use and less pollution.
