Keep moving and take care of your well-being without leaving home.  

Sedentarism has become one of the greatest challenges for our health, especially in the cold months, when low temperatures and fewer daylight hours encourage us to stay indoors. However, even during this time, your home can be much more than a warm refuge: it can transform into a space to look after your wellbeing.

The Silestone Institute shares several tips to counteract the effects of sedentarism, helping you maintain physical activity and establish healthy habits, without letting the cold become an excuse.

Move throughout the day: Spend at least 5-10 minutes every hour moving around to counteract the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Get up to stretch your legs or walk up and down stairs instead of taking the lift. If you need to, set alarms or timers as reminders to incorporate these active breaks into your daily routine. 

Create your movement corner: Dedicate a space in your home exclusively for exercise. Having a fixed spot to move will make it easier to integrate physical activity into your daily routine and stay committed to your well-being. You don’t need much: a yoga mat and a small corner are enough to start adopting healthy habits. 

Integrate movement into your daily activities: Take advantage of any moment during the day to move. Do active breaks while working, walk around the house while on the phone, or play music and dance while doing household chores like cleaning, sweeping, or even cooking. 

Set achievable goals: Set daily or weekly goals to keep yourself moving, such as aiming to exercise for 10 minutes a day or taking a specific number of steps inside the house. Recording your achievements and progress can help maintain your motivation. 

Set fixed times to move: Allocating a specific time each day for physical activity will ensure it doesn’t get forgotten and will allow you to stay consistent. Include these times in your daily routine, just like important appointments, to make exercise an unbreakable habit. 

Create a movement routine at home: You don’t need a gym to stay active; find the exercise that best suits your tastes and needs, whether it’s stretching, yoga, or bodyweight workouts. Take advantage of online videos and resources to join dance classes, Pilates, or any other activity that motivates you. 

Create an indoor movement routine: You don’t need a gym to stay active, find the exercise that best suits your tastes and needs; whether it’s stretching, yoga or body weight training. Take advantage of videos and online resources to join dance classes, Pilates, or any other activity that motivates you. 

Prioritise healthy habits: Keep in mind that movement is only one part of wellness, so it is important to combine your physical activity with a balanced diet, proper hydration and adequate rest.   


Transform your home into a space that promotes physical activity, which will not only combat sedentarism but also improve your overall well-being. Maintaining a consistent exercise routine, tailored to your needs, is essential for looking after both your body and mind throughout the year.