During this year and a half of pandemic, although compelled by the situation, we have managed to enjoy many moments of calm, spending quality time with our families and relaxing while enjoying our home.

Daily life leads us unconsciously to apply an accelerated pace. This pace is encouraged to a great extent using technologies that provide quick solutions or also due to the intensive use of the Internet and social media that with their immediacy submerge us in a constant celerity.

Therefore, it is important to remember and apply the Slow Life concept, slow well-being, to enjoy our homes:

  • TV in the background: disconnect from the constant noise of the TV by seeking more moments in silence to balance our well-being.
  • Silent appliances and devices: avoid using appliances that harm the acoustic comfort of your home environments.
  • Relaxation space: practice mindfulness, take a relaxing shower, apply feng shui practices…
  • Set up a space for exercise: try to have a suitable place where you can do physical routines that also favor your mental well-being.
  • Comfortable space for teleworking: establishes a work area that is comfortable, quiet and where you feel at ease.
  • The kitchen as a social and family space: cook while spending time with your children, chat with friends…
  • A living room suited to your personality: apply decoration according to your tastes, as well as furniture that makes you feel at ease.
  • Aromatic plants and flowers: they will allow you to improve the quality of the air by purifying it and providing a much more pleasant smell.
  • Home vertical garden: if space allows, install a vertical garden in your home to reduce carbon emissions, lower the ambient temperature and be more aware of the use of natural resources.
  • Use sustainable materials and textiles: as well as apply energy and water saving practices in your daily routines.
  • Have open and more sustainable spaces: apply proper ventilation in your home and make the most of natural light.
  • Find your favorite place in the home and spend more time in it.

Slow Life Home is a concept that should be considered not only in the way a house is built or designed to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly, but also in the slow wellness activities that the members of the household practice in it.

We share some tips on how to apply the Slow Life to our lives:

  • Betting on local and proximity gastronomic production with quality food that is sustainable.
  • Take care of the environment with our daily routines.
  • Teach our children to enjoy the little things: water, snow, the field, playtime, the company of our pets, activities in nature…
  • Practice mindfulness or other exercises that contribute to our relaxation (reading a book, walking outdoors, listening to music…) or simply let yourself go with your thoughts.

It is important that we are able to disconnect, relax and enjoy the most precious thing we have: time. Finding an oasis of peace and tranquility in our home that interrupts with the accelerated routine is necessary for our well-being. As well as applying a proper balance between work and personal life, enjoying the little moments with family and ourselves.