Ideas interior designers follow to make the most of space 

In a world where living spaces tend to shrink, interior designers have become masters of creativity in designing small living rooms that are not only functional but also aesthetically appealing. In this constant quest for ingenious solutions to maximize the space in our living rooms, designers have developed a series of inspiring ideas that transform living spaces into cozy and functional areas. From the careful selection of furniture to the strategic use of lighting and accessories, discover the strategies experts employ to maximize the potential of your living room: 

Multifunctional Furniture: Versatility is key in small spaces. Consider furnishing your living room with multifunctional pieces, such as sofa beds with integrated storage or extendable, foldable, or auxiliary tables. These elements not only provide comfort but also maximize the available space. 

Vertical Decoration: Making the most of vertical spaces is crucial in small living rooms. Floating shelves, built-in ledges, and wall-mounted furniture are some options that allow you to store items without sacrificing floor space. 

Use Strategic Colors: Soft and bright tones bring peace and comfort to your living room, along with a sense of spaciousness, while vibrant colors create contrasts. Interior designers skillfully combine these elements to achieve a harmonious balance. 

Opt for Small Sofas: Furnishing small living rooms requires appropriately sized furniture. Two-seater sofas can provide the necessary spaciousness, and choosing sofas with low height creates an illusion of higher ceilings, making the room feel more open. 

Choose the Right Coffee Table: Once you’ve selected the sofa, the next step is to choose a table that fits the remaining space. Round tables take up less space and add dynamism to your living room. Alternatively, consider two or three nesting tables, which are easily movable and can be tucked away as needed. 

Strategic Lighting: Strategic lighting is crucial in interior design, especially in small spaces. Maximizing natural light and using well-placed floor or pendant lamps can create the illusion of a larger and livelier space. 

Mirrors: Mirrors are a common strategy in interior design to enlarge small living rooms. They reflect light and create the illusion of greater depth. Place them strategically in front of windows or on narrow walls to maximize their impact. 

Finally, to conclude, it will be crucial to keep the living room clean and organized, while taking advantage of decorative elements that contribute to visually expanding the space. This includes strategically placing mirrors to the inclusion of plants that bring life and freshness to your home.