Five of the chefs leaders who have collaborated in the book “90 cm Above Floor Level” edited by Silestone Institute, such as Joan Roca, Carme Ruscalleda, Carles Abellan or Javier and Sergi Torres, will give master classes on Silestone countertop surfaces at the Alimentaria Fair that begins today in Barcelona. This year, Silestone countertops surfaces will be part of the 6 main exhibition spaces supporting the creations of the chefs leaders at their interactive sessions. The countertops are made of Silestone Haiku material and are arranged in the shape of a bar or a desk. The book “90 cm Above Floor Level” edited by Silestone Institute, defines the concepts and standards of professional kitchen facilities and investigates current needs of haute cuisine with the collaboration of great chefs. The publication will be delivered to the attendees at the master classes by chef leaders that take place on 31st March and 1st April. The book “90 cm Above Floor Level” has been awarded as the Best Professional Book of Spain by the Gourmand Awards.. Santiago Alfonso, Marketing and Communications director of Cosentino and General Secretary of the Silestone Institute, is a honor guest at Alimentaria Fair 2014. In summary, this year Silestone becomes the focus of the best Spanish food and beverage fair, representing the excellence and the innovation in professional kitchen countertop surfaces.