The Caravan of Health promoted by Disney, Ferran Adrià, Carrefour and the collaboration of Cosentino Group, has moved to Cosentino’s Group headquarters in Almería with the aim of celebrating the World Health Day.Inside the caravan, the experts have given informative workshops to more than 200 employees who have participated, since more than 1500 people currently work in the Cosentino’s industrial park. Through the nutribus, knowledge has been promoted to workers regarding nutrition and safety in the kitchen space.

During the day, Maite Pelayo, microbiologist and food safety expert from the Silestone Institute and Patricia Velasco, nutritionist of La Caravana de la Salud have conducted 8 Express Workshops. The employees of the group have been able to appreciate at first-hand, how Maite Pelayo and Patricia Velasco have developed a nutritious and fun recipe with which they have learned tips on food and hygiene in the kitchen.

During the workshops, it has been explained how to make food safe from the moment of the shopping to the moment of the cooking. The employees have found out 5 tips that allow people to have a safe diet: Buy quality food, Conservation according to the type of food, Cooking with hygiene, the times to eat and the importance of order and cleanliness in the kitchen. According to Maite Pelayo, technical spokesperson for the Silestone Institute, ‘the consumer is increasing interest in food safety, requesting information and advice to help preserving the health of his family.’

This action is framed within the CSR program of the Cosentino Group whose main objective is to provide valuable knowledge to society in order to improve health and well-being of people. Santiago Alfonso, Director of Marketing and Communication of the Cosentino Group, affirms that ‘participating in this session of the Caravan of Health is very important for the Cosentino Group, since it offers us the possibility of improving knowledge about food and healthy habits of our workers, being able to have a positive impact on their health status. ‘