What is the ideal winter temperature inside the home?

The Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE) indicates that the temperature for thermal comfort in a shaded environment with “passive” activity should be between 21°C and 23°C. In other words, 21-23°C during the day, while at night or when the house is unoccupied it can drop to 17°C.

If the temperature inside the home exceeds 23°C, the ambience may dry out and make us feel more uncomfortable. The energy used to heat the inside of the home will be then much higher.

Decoration ideas to give more warmth to your home

  • Curtains: in addition to being a decorative element, they also serve to stop the slight air currents that leak in and thus maintain a comfortable temperature in home.
  • Warm carpets: decorate the floors of your home to give them warmth and to be able to walk comfortably and without cold during the winter. There is a great variety of fabrics and materials that provide comfort and warmth and at the same time you can combine them with your decoration.
  • Sofas with covers or cushions: choosing warm fabrics and colors to dress your sofa can provide a feeling of comfort and warmth.
  • Bedding: renewing your bedding with warmer and more comfortable fabrics will give your bedroom a more comfortable atmosphere.
  • Blankets and plaids: add to your living room or bedroom plaids that will allow you to feel comfortable enjoying your home.
  • Lighting: Raise the blinds during the day to let in sunlight and use lamps or bulbs with warmer lighting or lamps with fabric shades to give warmth to your surroundings.
  • Decorations and wooden elements: you can decorate your home with furniture or wooden ornaments that by their tone and materiality give a feeling of warmth and comfortable home.
  • Dark colors: in your winter decoration choose dark colors because they absorb more heat. The trend is towards earthy colors.
  • Sustainable materials: use materials that care for the environment, such as bamboo or wicker. In textiles you can use cotton and not synthetic materials. In addition, the ecological style can be created from recycled raw materials and the reuse of antique furniture.

A good decoration in your home can help to make your rooms warmer and more comfortable for this winter.