Christmas is coming and with it the time to enjoy eating with the family. We must pay attention to how to preserve food and thus avoid food toxins.

How can we keep Christmas leftovers?

In general, it is not recommended to reuse or freeze leftovers from homemade preparations.

This Christmas will not be an exception and will be different as it will not be possible to bring together large groups. We can then take advantage of the occasion and avoid cooking in large quantities so as not to discard or waste food.

As we have seen recently, it is worrying how much food is wasted worldwide: in Europe it is estimated that there are almost 90 million tons per year.

To avoid wasting food this holiday season, we advise not to eat prepared meals with a margin of more than 48 hours.

Tips for optimal food preservation:

  • Keep the leftovers in containers other than the ones used for cooking and cover them hermetically. Then wrap them in plastic kitchen paper and write down the date of cooking. Do not consume elaborations that exceed three days.
  • Reheating should be done over a low heat until the core of the preparation is hot (starting from a fridge temperature). As long as the elaboration is not affected, it can reach boiling point.
  • Discard the stews that present suspicious symptoms, strange color, bad smell or more tender texture than normal.
  • For cold dishes, put the portion in a clean container, close it hermetically and keep it in the refrigerator. Take it out just before eating it again. Once the necessary portion has been taken out, refrigerate it again.
  • For hot preparations: let them cool down to room temperature for no more than one hour (never put them in the fridge hot). Cover immediately afterwards in an airtight manner and keep refrigerated.
  • Avoid egg-based preparations, especially if they are raw (without heat treatment), such as mayonnaise. So, if it is not possible, it is better to dispense with these sauces.
  • Always opt for stable and hygienic products.
  • Do not eat food prepared more than 48 hours in advance or if we have any doubts about its condition.

Let’s enjoy a Christmas with our loved ones by being responsible with our health care through proper food preservation and taking care of the environment by avoiding waste.