Architecture and Gastronomy: “The salt of life”

Within the framework of the “Dialogues of Architecture and Gastronomy” by the Silestone Institute, Cosentino has organized a new session at the Hospitality School of Seville. Chef Diego Guerrero, the architect Víctor Moreno, founder of TrueTalk Tecnificación Inmobiliaria and the VP of Marketing and Communication of Cosentino Santiago Alfonso have been the participants on this occasion. The talk has been moderated by the journalist of Canal Sur…

SPSA. Passive Food Safety Systems in Kitchens

Passive Food Safety Systems – SPSA (Acronym in Spanish of Sistemas Pasivos de Seguridad Alimentaria), a concept in food safety management that was developed for the Silestone Institute by Maite Pelayo Blas, a microbiologist, expert in Biocommunication and Food Safety and technical spokesperson for the Silestone Institute. SPSA is a fascinating line of research which…