Passive Food Safety Systems for a healthier kitchen

Konkreta Soluciones photo We can have a healthier kitchen if we incorporate Passive Systems that help to improve Food Safety and health. ¿What are Passive Food Safety Systems? They are advance-generation materials and equipment that provide a plus of safety and hygiene to face eventual microbiologic contamination, without making big changes in our habits. Healthy…

Tips to avoid food-borne toxinfections in summer and prevent cross contamination in the kitchen

Interview on IGTV with Maite Pelayo, microbiologist and technical Conclusions of the Interview on IGTV with Maite Pelayo, microbiologist and technical spokesperson for the Silestone Institute, about Food Safety and Cross Contamination. With the arrival of summer and high temperatures the risk of suffering food-borne toxinfection increases dangerously. In addition, eating habits at this time…