How to avoid foodborne illness in summer?

With the arrival of summer, it is necessary to take some measures to preserve and cook food to avoid foodborne illness caused by toxic bacteria that find in this time of the year the ideal temperature to multiply. Bacteria need heat and a humid environment to develop and under favorable conditions, they can multiply exponentially…

We must change the way we relate to food

As part of Food Safety Week (Sunday, June 7), the Silestone Institute talks about the new paradigm of Food Security. To get healthy, safe, and nutritious food we must introduce a new global concept of food that involves multiple factors. We face new challenges that directly influence our diet and that compromise our food security:…

Spring season food

Fish: Eels, eel, cod, sea bream, mackerel, carp, lamprey, liba, sea bass, grouper, palometa, perch, salmon, shark and trout. Seafood: Cockles, clams, razor clams, scampi, prawns, prawns, mussels, oysters, cuttlefish, choco, shrimp, octopus, barnacles and scallops. Meats: Woodcock, beef, quail, maids, pheasant, chicken, liver, wild boar, hare, gizzards, cow, deer, suckling pig, rabbit, lamb, pheasant,…

Spring season food

Fruits: Strawberries, kiwis, lemon, lime, orange, banana, passion fruit, apricots, loquat, papaya, pineapple, grapefruit, avocado, apple and persimmons. Vegetables: snow peas, young beans, peas, spinach, leeks, zucchini, broccoli, garlic, asparagus, beets, cucumbers, radishes, leeks, carrots, celery, artichokes, cabbage, lettuce, squash, eggplant, green beans and endives.