Biophilic Design: A Proposal Beyond Aesthetics

Transforming Urban Spaces into Healthy and Sustainable Environments  Biophilic design is a proposal that, beyond being a mere style or trend, corresponds to a way of understanding architectural development towards a more sustainable and mindful future.  Its ultimate goal is to reconnect people with their environment by introducing elements of nature, both visual and non-visual,…

The revolution in domestic spaces with AI

Kitchens that think, bathrooms that respond…   World Future Day gives us the opportunity to reflect on how artificial intelligence is radically transforming the way we live and interact with our home environments. In an increasingly interconnected and technologically advanced global environment, our homes are at the forefront of a technological revolution that redefines the way…

Efficient energy use, a collective responsibility

21 October, World Energy Saving Day  World Energy Saving Day aims to raise society’s awareness of daily energy consumption and the collective responsibility to use energy efficiently and responsibly, for our planet. In a world where the preservation of the environment is the biggest challenge, saving energy becomes an unavoidable duty.   Each one of us…

The favorite home style and design trends of the young Z’s.

Home Z is minimalist, bright, open to the outside and with a clear delimitation of spaces.  Generation Z youngsters are relatively conservative in terms of typology, configuration and home ownership; perhaps because they are deep-pocketed elements that seem less open to innovation. Will they be more receptive to current trends in home style and design?  …

Light, a source of health and well-being

16 May, International Day of Light  The International Day of Light is a global initiative, promoted by UNESCO, to increase awareness of the science and technologies of light and their impact on the world today. It commemorates the first emission of laser light in 1960, a scientific discovery that provides tools for the benefit of…