Homes, new interior gardens

New structures, designs and surfaces to accommodate gardens, plants and orchards at home Barcelona, April 13, 2022 – Nature integrated into homes is the extension of a human concern that has been spreading unchecked for years. An upward evolution that is related to the drive for contact with natural life. Every living green detail at…

The interior space, mirrors and mirages

Barcelona, February 9, 2022 – “The mirror, as a trend in interiors, replicates itself from multiple perspectives, like an infinite kaleidoscope. The human being looks at himself in the mirror of the new architecture and interior design,” explains Marisa Santamaría, researcher and disseminator of global design trends. MULTIPLICATION OF SPACES Mirrors expand the sensation of…

How to avoid foodborne illness in summer?

With the arrival of summer, it is necessary to take some measures to preserve and cook food to avoid foodborne illness caused by toxic bacteria that find in this time of the year the ideal temperature to multiply. Bacteria need heat and a humid environment to develop and under favorable conditions, they can multiply exponentially…