Preparing Christmas holidays meals with more than 48 hours in advance may increase the risk of food-borne illness

One of the important and common issues among Spanish families is the conservation of the Christmas leftovers. It is very important to follow de right steps to prevent food contamination and cause some sort of food poisoning.Maite Pelayo, microbiologist and specialised representative of Silestone Institute, does not recommend reusing or freezing the leftovers home preparations.…

8 simple tips for a healthy and hygienic lunchbox

Before handling food, we should wash our hands and use clean utensils, not allowing food to come into contact with any surface not previously sanitized. Change the utensils for every type of aliment or for the previously cooked and not cooked, this way we avoid the cross contamination. The cold consumed dinners, must be putted…

Roca, Aduriz and Atala explain the keys of their kitchens in a book about restaurants architecture

Silestone Institute presented the book “90 cm Above Floor Level. Restaurant Architecture: High Performance Sustainable Facilites” at Madrid Fusión (link video presentation) Three great chefs participated at Madrid Fusion in the presentation of the book “90 cm Above Floor Level”, whose authors are the dietitian and nutritionist Yolanda Sala Vidal and the architect and ecodesigner Jordi Montañés Biñana. The book was…

Construmat’s Innovation Center, the projection stage of sustainable professional kitchen’s new patterns

Presenters: Yolanda Sala Vidal. Dietitian and nutritionist. Jordi Montañés Biñana. Architect and ecodesigner. Santiago Alfonso. Silestone Institute’s General Secretary. The importance of planning considering the professional standards makes “90 cm Above Floor Level” a must have publication for any architectural project focused on high performance installations. The sustainability of the whole structure is only possible…

The book ’90 cm above floor level’ published by Silestone Institute has been selected as a finalist in the international Gourmand Awards

The book “90 cm above floor level. Restaurant architecture: high performance sustainable facilities” has been recently awarded by the Gourmand Award for the Best Professional Book category in Spain and, therefore, has been selected as a finalist for the International Gourmand Awards for Best World Professional Book.  The gala dinner will be taken place in…

The Alimentaria Fair 2014 relies on Silestone for the countertops surfaces at ‘The Alimentaria Experience’, a new gastronomic space of the Fair

Five of the chefs leaders who have collaborated in the book “90 cm Above Floor Level” edited by Silestone Institute, such as Joan Roca, Carme Ruscalleda, Carles Abellan or Javier and Sergi Torres, will give master classes on Silestone countertop surfaces at the Alimentaria Fair that begins today in Barcelona. This year, Silestone countertops surfaces…