How to be more sustainable in the kitchen?

World Environmental Education Day is celebrated on January 26. Its main objective is to identify environmental issues and raise awareness among people and governments of the need to participate in conserving and protecting the environment. Today, we are facing new challenges that directly influence our food and compromise our food security: climate change, food waste,…

Tips to avoid food toxi-infections in 10 Christmas meals.

Choosing good, fresh, quality raw materials and preserving them properly, along with proper handling, are the keys to avoid food-borne toxi-infections. In addition, there are several preparations that are very typical of this Christmas season that are especially dangerous. Maite Pelayo, microbiologist and technical spokesperson for the Silestone Institute, advises us how to handle and…

Passive Food Safety Systems for a healthier kitchen

Konkreta Soluciones photo We can have a healthier kitchen if we incorporate Passive Systems that help to improve Food Safety and health. ¿What are Passive Food Safety Systems? They are advance-generation materials and equipment that provide a plus of safety and hygiene to face eventual microbiologic contamination, without making big changes in our habits. Healthy…

8 tips to adapt your kitchen to teleworking

The Covid-19 pandemic has created a new need that is here to stay: teleworking. Full time or part time, it seems that teleworking will remain as a new work model in companies. For this reason, it is necessary to have adapt a space in our home to be able to telework in a comfortable, productive…

Food waste: a global problem that affects us all

October 16, World Food Day 85% of consumers admit they waste food while 5% indicate doing it in large quantities. On “World Food Day” and on recent “Food Waste Day”, the Silestone Institute reflects on this global problem that affects us all. It has serious ethical implications and important repercussions in the socio-economic and environmental…